2012 - 2015 At university I studied Natural Sciences focusing on animals and their ecology and behaviour.
My favourite animal is the European Pine Marten.
2016 - Present After university I got a job in finance, and for 2 years have been building highly elaborate spreadsheets.
One of the best functions I have written in excel is one that returns multiple matches, output into consecutive cells, without using an array formula. A fragment can be seen below.
I discovered web programming in June 2017 and truly found my passion! I have been learning front end development techniques on treehouse (and now freeCodeCamp) since then.
The thing that excites me most about Founders and Coders is the focus on JavaScript in the back end as well as the front end - it's the future!
As long as I can remember, I've wanted to make things. Origami, knitting, dressmaking, woodwork, painting, flower arranging, lino-printing and modelling were all creative phases of mine growing up.
Before I started spending all of my free time coding and reading cool articles about tech, I also enjoyed cooking, crafting, cuddling animals and going for walks.
I still do that sometimes.